Thursday, January 8, 2009

oldest house to get restoration

located at 1312 U Street SE, this grand abode is the oldest existing house in the original Uniontown subdivision (yes, we live in a subdivision). According to an old historic district brochure,
"the villa-like Italianate-style house, and the more vernacular 1342 U Street, are indicative of the early residents’ preference for rural residential dwelling forms.

Built by the early 1870s, this dwelling displays characteristic features of the Italianate style, including its picturesque cupola and bracketed roof. A two-story stable still survives at the rear of the lot."

I sort of hope they go with a new color scheme

Sadly, the stable has since been (illigally) demolished. But, the grant calls for a "general restoration" of the exterior, so I am pretty excited to see what happens.

1 comment:

Sean Hennessey said...

i'd think everything beyond old city is a subdivision, no?