Painting is almost done, and they're just waiting for the handsome new doors to arrive. The liquor license notifications are posted on the MLK-side windows, and at their second go last week the ANC voted to support a new license at the site. Certainly a milestone for this neighborhood.
Below are some details on the license which show hours of operation and occupancy limits. They are not seeking approval for live music, but then again this is meant to be a sports bar / restaurant, so not really a big cultural loss.
As you can see, the mural on the W Street side of the building is now painted over. It had been there for a couple decades, but nobody had any record of the artist, and it depicted pretty dated scenes. I like the clean look of the paint, but am also not opposed to something classy coming sometime in the future. ...or maybe just some good signage for the bar.
doesn't the storefront look awesome?
The interior is mostly designed and is currently awaiting building permits. If everything goes smoothly, Uniontown hopes to open sometimes in the next three months. (if H Street establishments are any indication, I know that opening dates can sometimes extend further than the owners hope. Rest assured, the owner here is very eager to open!)
now if you can just get those overhead wires buried... :)
fortunately the lines are buried on MLK for the most part, but we desperately need some burying (or just some cleanup) on Good Hope and the interior streets. Such a wire mess.
...then again, to use the streetcar argument, I'd rather have electricity than no wires and no electricity...
Thanks for the update. I'm actually a little upset that the liquor license said "no live music"... (at least I think that's what I read). I hope that once they become a part of the community that changes.
very nice.
I hope it's open before football season startup...I'll Be There Weekly Kicking It With My Redskins Fans.. * WELCOME 2 ANACOSTIA!! *
Awesome makeover. I was just checking out GoogleMaps street level view, and the difference is extraordinary.
Great new look.
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