Thursday, May 8, 2008

Salvation Army Update

The slat-siding-esque material is now on the exterior, and I am really wishing they would cover the cinder blocks with it too, as they are looking less and less appealing every day. Can cinder blocks be banned or something?

Cinder Block Castle

Am I in the minority thinking this is turning into somewhat of a hodge-podge monstrosity?


IMGoph said...

it doesn't seem too bad. i haven't seen the building in person (sounds like time for a trip down to your part of town), but the cinder block looks like it's textured, right? could be worse...

Matt Siemer said...

I think I'm with IMGoph on this one. Cinder blocks are nobody's favorite thing, but at least it's some kind of progress. An awkward lurch is better than standing still, right?

DG said...

i'm still optimistic that this will look better when construction is done, the rest of the windows are put in, and some trees are planted.

trying not to rag on progress, but also want to hold any and all new construction to a high standard.

mediocre bad guy said...

I agree with you on the cinder blocks.. can we start a petition or something?

nosyneighbor said...


I wasn't sure what that building was. I'd heard it was going to be a boys and girls club. In any case, while I too am all for progress that building is quite a monstrosity. It's too close to a busy street and where are people expected to park?! I see a huge traffic nightmare in the making.

DG said...

There is underground parking accessible from the side.

Anonymous said...

In the fourth shot, it looks like an angry transformer. Just sayin'.