Friday January 22nd at 7PM marks the opening at Honfleur Gallery of Stories, an exhibit of photographic stories created by three artists to help raise awareness and funds for relief efforts in African nations. Stories features documentary photography created by Antoine Sanfuentes in a 2008 visit to East Goma with NBC’s Ann Curry covering topics such as children soldiers of Africa, education and rape.
Works by Ann Curry will be presented from the same trip, alongside Deborah Terry’s images of Sudanese and Ugandan refugees and conflict victims as well as multimedia presentations of the grassroots work done by International Lifeline Fund. Proceeds from this exhibition and the opening night fundraiser will go to support International Lifeline Fund.
Concurrently, Terry will be exhibiting at The Gallery at Vivid Solutions, also in Historic Anacostia, with a solo exhibition entitled Migrations, illuminating the lives of two disparate groups at odds in the Darfur conflict: nomadic herders/warriors known as Janjaweed, and the refugees displaced by them.